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Hexokinase & HBA1C at Jagruthi Rajahmundry
HbA1c is a form of hemoglobin that is measured primarily to identify the three month average plasma glucose concentration.
It is formed in a non-enzymatic glycation
Methods of testing HbA1c
Point of care ( POC) Instruments • Colorimetry ( Primitive methods )
Immunoassay methods ( CV 5-6 %)
HPLC – Gold standard in HbA1c Testing ( CV : 2-3 % )
Electrospray, iontophoresis and Mass spectrometry ( Not commercially available in India)
HPLC – High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
at Jagruthi Rajahmundry
It is a form of column chromatography that pumps a sample mixture or analyte in a solvent (known as the mobile phase) at high pressure through a column with chromatographic packing material(stationary phase).

Comprehensive Automated Hemoglobin testing
Combined Diabetes and Beta-Thalassemia
Simple efficient operation
Flexible and reliable operation
Whole blood primary tube sampling
Advantages of HbA1c
• Index of long-term control over 120 days
• Can be done at any time of day
• Not influenced by diet, exercise, emotional disturbances on test day
• Useful index in clinical trials
• Useful if missed drugs / default diet
• Useful in stress hyperglycemia
• For HbA1c ,Fasting sample is not required.
• Low intra individual variability <2%.
• HbA1C sample is also stable; While blood sugar level is lowered unless precautions are taken.
• HbA1C value is not altered by Acute factors, while many factors will affect blood sugar values.
• HbA1C is a better index for predicting complications. Because of all these reasons,HbA1C has become the preferred test nowadays.
Biorad D10 – A fully automated HbA1c Testing by HPLC
• HbA1C quantitation in the presence of HbS, HbC and HbF.
• Minimum interference from carbamylation, lipemia and labile A1C.
• Traceable to the IFCC reference method.
• NGSP(National glycohaemoglobin standardisation programme) Certified
Reference values of HbA1c
Normal 4.5 -5.6%
prediabetics 5.7-6.4%
Diabetics – More than 6.5%
Adequate control -6.6-7%
Inadequate control -7-8%
Very poor control < 9%
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To know more about HBA1C and related test details and its equipment at jagruthi Rajahmundry Biochemistry & Hexokinase Method.