“Color is the Finishing touch on Everything”.
– Marc Jacobs
Immunoassays are versatile tests, used in detection of many conditions, from Hormones to cancer. They are tests that are based on the binding of antibodies to antigens to identify the presence of a substance (an analyte).
Immunoassay is used in the detection of 1)Antibodies , 2)Proteins ,
3)Peptides , 4)Biomolecules
Jagruthi is Equipped with four types of ImmunoAssay Systems.
Enzyme Linked antibody is attached to Antigen Anti body complex. The enzyme reacts with the added substrate and produces colour. The intensity of the color is proportional to the antigen/ antibody of the reaction.

ELISA Tests at Jagruthi
TB Gold
Dengue Antibodies
ELFA – Enzyme Linked antibody is attached to Antigen Anto body complex. The enzyme reacts with the added Fluorescent substrate to produce Florescent light. The intensity of the florescent light is proportional to the antigen/ antibody of the reaction.
Florescent light production is more genuine than color in ELISA

Cardiac markers tested in ELFA method at Jagruthi.
Important Tumor markers no performed locally at Jagruthi.
ELFA Tests at Jagruthi
FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
LH – Luteinizing Hormone
AMH _ Anti Mullarian Hormone
Beta HCG
Ca 125
AFP – Alpha Feto Protein
Hepatitis B Envelop Antigen
Hepatitis B Envelop Antibody
Troponin I
Free T3
Free T4
Enzyme Linked antibody is attached to Antigen Anti body complex. The enzyme converts a substrate to a reaction product that emits photons of light instead of developing a visible color.
ECL is a unique and highly sensitive luminescence (light) detection system that amplifies the signal (you want) to detect ultra-low concentrations of analyte and reduces any signals you don’t want to deliver .
Electrochemiluminescence is the most sensitive detection method currently in use due to the ability of signal multiplication and amplification. Luminescent reactions are measured in relative light units (RLU) that are typically proportionate to the amount of analyte present in a sample.

T3- Triiodothyronine
T4- Thyroxine
TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Prosatate Specific Antigen
Enzyme Linked antibody is attached to Antigen Anti body complex. The enzyme reacts with the added substrate and produces colour. The intensity of the color is proportional to the antigen/ antibody of the reaction.

Line Immuno Assay tests at JAGRUTHI
ANA Profile – Antibodies Against Extractable Nuclear Antigens.
Allergy Profile – Inhalation allergens, Class IgE (India )
Allergy Profile – Food allergens –Class IgE (India)
For more on Allergy Tests Click here
For more details about various diagnostic facilities besides scanning facilites offered at our jagruthi Lab please click here to visit our homepage
To know more about Immunoassay and related test details and its equipment at jagruthi Rajahmundry Microbiology & Allergy testing