Studying the invisibles with compact solutions
“ In sepsis every minute counts and early and appropriate antibiotic therapy is associated with improved patient survival ”.
Two smart solutions to
“Save antibiotics for future”
BacT/ALERT 3D 60
Automated Microbial Detection in blood and body fluid culture
VITEK 2 Compact 30
Automated Bacterial Identification and Antibiotic Sensitivity
- Microorganisms multiply in the media, generating CO2. As CO2 increases, the sensor in the bottle turns a lighter colour. Measuring reflected light, the BacT/ALERT 3D monitors and detects color changes in the sensor. Algorithms analyze the data to determine positivity.
- Rapid results with high sensitivity
- Blood culture and Body fluid culture
- Broader antimicrobial neutralization – Enhanced microorganism recovery,
- Fungal Culture in same blood culture

Next generation Fastidious Antimicrobial Neutralization Plus media (FA Plus) blood culture bottles are used
- FA Plus bottles provide even clearer Gram stains and new Adsorbent Polymeric Beads offer antimicrobial neutralization.
- Optimized Microorganism Recovery
- Reformulated media provide a robust environment that encourages microbial growth for bacteria and yeasts
- Effective organism growth in blood and sterile body fluids
- Growth performance guidelines under delayed entry conditions
BacT/ALERT 3D 60. with FA plus culture bottles

For Automated bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing
Bacterial Identification is quick and reliable
Antibiotic susceptibility – reported to the clinician as the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)
Results can be obtained quickly
Wide range of antibiotics
- At Jagruthi we are Following CLSI guidelines 2019 for Antibiotic susceptibility
- (CLSI – Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute)
- Selection of Antibiotic susceptibility testing – as per CLSI Guidelines 2019.
- MIC Breakpoints – as per CLSI Guidelines 2019.
- Recommendation Choice of antibiotics – as per CLSI Guidelines 2019.
“ADVANCED EXPERT SYSTEM”(AES) – An Automated tool to validate AST results
To Gain confidence in your Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) results by checking every result, every time
Detect resistance patterns accurately to drive appropriate antibiotic therapy
Improve AST result consistency
Decrease human error
Alerts the newly activated Resitance Mechanism and choosing an appropriate antibiotic

At Jagruthi VITEK2 is loaded with updated database version of ADVANCED EXPERT SYSTEM ( AES)
For more details about various diagnostic facilities besides scanning facilites offered at our jagruthi Lab please click here to visit our homepage
To know more about Microbiology and related test details and its equipment at jagruthi Rajahmundry Immunoassay & Allergy testing